Friday, February 29, 2008

Union Budget...ALIBHAIi directed by Adoor!

INDIA has never seen such a PLEASE-ALL budget...some say it is FARMERS' budget, some say it is MIDDLE CLASS budget...some others say it is AAM AADMI budget...I am confused!...but one thing I am is a political budget....or more rightly it is a POLL-itical budget!!!

To with some confessions...I am no financial expert ...but just the man-on-the-street...or layman...or the "aam admi" as they say ...Going by the mood in our country i think I am the only AAM ADMI who is not happy with this budget...before branding me as anti-farmer, or anti-poor...just have an unpredujiced mind and read further....

At the outset I strongly believe it was a budget NOT prepared by Chidambaram. Technically speaking it may be...but the truth lies somewhere me it appears as a budget prepared by someone like DEVILAL or a KANSHI RAM!

Forget 60,000 crore...i have no problem even if you spend 10 lakh crore or more for people...but this is not the way....what signal does it send to people...just Imagine...three farmers A, B, C who had taken loans...where as A struggled to repay it...while B could not, but then had to lend money from cut-throat money lender and repaid ...and the C who did not bother to repay ...
Chidambaram ji says A and B are big can even argue that it was a necessary evil...but remember even RADHAKRISHNA committe who had studied about farmers' suicides stopped short of recommending such a DRASTIC STEP like a mass loan waiver!...even he knew its implications...and the wrong signals it would send to the society...

I am not concerned about burden it would have on our economy...but the very BAD PRECEDENT it will set...remember our experience in india ....whenever our political parties resorted to such drastic measures....the subsequent govements had not option but to continue it forover...!!!...or that is what history teach us and we keep on paying the price for it....
What comes to my mind is Karunanidhi's annoucement of free television sets to all BPL families...that was Tamilnadu politics and that was Karunanidhi...where we expect nothing but stuff like that....but imagine after watching a movie like ALIBHAI if the credit line shows "directed by ADOOR GOPALAKRISHANAN"!!!